header DSC0621


Freitag 04.11.2016 – Sonntag 06.11.2016

gameZfestival & gameZ&ruleZ

Freitag 4. November -Sonntag 6. November

Freitag 4. bis Sonntag 6. November 2016

gameZ & ruleZ - game mechanics in design and culture

Eine spielbare Videogame Ausstellung und eine Konferenz von gameZfestival
und GameLab mit internationalen Gästen und Schweizer Game Designern zum
Thema : Motivate Play!.

Highlights are Sina Els from Crytek, Thomas van den Berg, Floyd Müller and Miguel Sicart.
And 10 developer studios will present their newest products.
Games are systems of control that are exceptionally motivating.
We take a closer look at motivational design for games in our conference gameZ & ruleZ.
Festival and conference will be accompanied by a playable videogame exhibition.
