Donnerstag 24.02.2005
Boghossian, Müller, Steinbrüchel
Hervé Boghossian (F),
Günther Müller ( CH),
Steinbrüchel (CH)
Als Teil von segment|e: Konzert-Reihe für experimentelle elektronische Hörmusik.
Steinbrüchel Ralph Steinbrüchel -
Hervé Boghossian Hervé Boghossian -
Günther Müller & Steinbrüchel Günther Müller Ralph Steinbrüchel
HERVE BOGHOSSIAN (guitarist and electronic musician)
Born in Marseille (France) in 1973 and moved to Paris (France) in 1997. Founder of the avant-rock trio and then duo ION+ with jurgen heckel* in february 1999.
After some concerts, self-produced cd-rs, a single « lemo/lect » on german label Beau Rivage were released in august 2000 and after last concert at Batofar (Paris) in september 2000, the duo decided to concentrate on solo projects. He began his solo career under the moniker SOL, he soon composed a 15 minutes electronic soundtrack called « i@s », a collaboration with german video director Thomas Einfeldt .
Born in München in 1954, living in Switzerland since 1966, percussionist Günter Müller has been playing a unique drum set with a mobile pick-up and microphone system of his own invention since 1981. The system allows hand-generated sounds on drums and percussion to be modulated electronically. Since 1998 minidiscs, later an ipod are included in his electronic set. He has played and recorded with a large number of fine musicians, from JIM O'ROURKE to CHRISTIAN MARCLAY, from BUTCH MORRIS to OTOMO YOSHIHIDE.
Müller was a founding member of the trio NACHTLUFT, with Andres Bosshard and Jacques Widmer, who have been creating sound-installations and sound-architecture, and of the electronic quartet POIRE_Z with Erik M and Voice Crack.
Der Zürcher Musiker und Komponist steinbrüchel experimentiert an den Randbereichen gängiger Musikrepertoires. Seine innovative Arbeit am Sound selbst ist am ehesten dem Feld der experimentellen Elektronik zu zuschreiben. Die Ausgefeiltheit der Komposition und das gewissenhafte, konzeptionelle Arrangement aber, stehen der klassischen Sparte der Neuen Musik viel näher als dem Clubkontext, dem die Digitale Klangkunst sonst so gerne zugeschrieben wird. Der Schweizer Ralph Steinbrüchel, geb. 1969, erwarb den "Master of Communication Design" an der Central Saint Martins School of Art and Design in London und lebt derzeit als Musiker und Grafikdesigner in Zürich. 2002 wurde seine Komposition «zwischen.raum» (Domizil15, Zürich, 2002) mit dem Max Brand Preis ausgezeichnet (phonoTAKTIK.02 Festival, New York). Im gleichen Jahr erhielt er ein Kompositionsstipendium der Schweizer Kulturstiftung "Pro Helvetia" für «circa» (Line_012, New York, 2003).