Montag 26.06.2023 20:00
collective lovemusic - Maxi Love Room
Emiliano Gavito, Flute
Adam Starkie, Clarinet
Emily Yabe, Violin
Lola Malique, Cello
Christian Lozano Sedano, Guitars
Finbar Hosie, Electronics
Francisco Uberto - All my neurons have clits (2023) (premiere)
flute, clarinet, violin, cello, e.guitar and electronics
flute, clarinet, viola, cello, e.guitar and electronics
Maxi Love Room
“You don’t need more space, you need less stuff”
Marie Kondo [organising consultant]
“Fuck Marie Kondo.”
Katie Marovitch [Comedian]
We live in a world asking us to downsize, declutter and detox. Less is more. A clear space creates a clear mind. We celebrate minimalism and frown upon messiness. Even in the avant-garde world of contemporary music we see musicians dressed in black playing in a black box. But where is the fun in that ? The project MAXI LOVE ROOM imagined by lovemusic and Francisco Uberto is a different kind of space. It’s a concert in a room that is a fixed setting but at the same time is alive, ever changing, multi-layered and filled with colour, noise and movement ! Celebrating contrast and diversity !
Tickets reservieren per Mail mit Datum, Name und Anzahl Tickets an reservation@walcheturm.ch
Türöffnung und Abendkasse ab 30 Min. vor Veranstaltungsbeginn, reservierte Tickets bitte spätestens 15 Min. vor Veranstaltungsbeginn abholen. Nur Barzahlung möglich.