23 03 03 Roestibruecke2023 Banner 2

Freitag 03.03.2023   20:00

Ronosterabak - RöstiBrücke 2023

RöstiBrücke 2023
Electroacoustic Cabaret

RöstiBrücke 2023 is the second part of an annual series of trans-linguistic-regional music exchange in Switzerland. Initiated right after the pandemic, this dialogue in performance and sound arts builds bridges between venues and artists. Cave12 and the Walcheturm pioneered by taking part in 2022. For this 2023 edition, we managed to break through the Gotthard with Oggimusica and Foce in Lugano. We were also able to establish a trans-Jurassic connection with Centre Culturel ABC in La-Chaux-de-Fonds and Kaserne in Basel with Klappfon.

In these five venues of three linguistic regions, with about thirty artists from all over Switzerland, we organize a series of polymorphic performances that allow the possibility of experimenting with new sounds or with the space. As in a cabaret, the public attends a series of proposals, all very different, with sound poetry as the only common thread.

RöstiBrücke is an initiative by SZKMD production, with the support of Swiss Arts Council ProHelvetia, FSRC/SRKS, Swiss Perform, Migros Kulturprozent, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, and the Republic and Canton of Geneva.


20h Loïc Grobéty
20h45 Arachnur
22h Tout Bleu

À Cordes Perdues - Loïc Grobéty - VD
double bass solo, acoustic drone and objects

"silence, resilience, introspection, poetry, rustling..." this project presents acoustic explorations with influences that are ranging from contemporary music and jazz with the energy of death metal and the sonic abstraction of improvisation. By repetition and microphonic development creates both a chaotic and harmonious sound atmosphere. My century-old wood instrument vibrates with beats that reminds the electronic beats, all performed with two bows and various objects. A quite classical instrument being revisited by the use of extended techniques for an innovative result.

Arachnur, cie kraD - Leïla Maillard, Claudia Cerri - GE
contemporary circus and noise

In a universe of ropes and cables, the audience discovers a body caught under the weight of life, revealing its slow struggle towards a metaphorical suicide. It is a visceral dive into the abyss of the human soul through acoustical borderline and dark imagery. It is some sort of macabre ritual, reflecting (on) despair and the harrowing loop of dark thoughts; an embodiment of a mental crawl towards the gallows.

“Arachnur” is beyond evil or good, definitely cathartic, but nevertheless poetic. An ongoing hymn to the dark and what lays within it, inspired by the quote of the painter Pierre Soulages:

“Mon instrument n’était plus le noir, mais cette lumière secrète venue du noir.”

“My instrument was no longer the dark, but that secret light that came from the dark.”

Tout Bleu - Simone Aubert, Pol, Luciano Turella, Naomi Mabanda - GE
classic post industrial beats and strings

Tout Bleu is a musical project from Geneva, and it districates between electronic and lyrical effort, and a baroque noise sound. Their second album, Otium, was released for Les Disques Bongo Joe, with an obscure and plastically ethereal energy; minimal string lines and a fervid synthetical creativity encounter themselves, where these well-ordered structures are diversified through different progressive ideas, adding weird elements and a noise attitude. Swiss and worldwide sounds in the name of an interesting craftsmanship between no wave and post punk, both in a broad sense.


Eintritt: CHF 20.- / 10.-
Tickets reservieren per Mail mit Datum, Name und Anzahl Tickets an reservation@walcheturm.ch
Türöffnung und Abendkasse ab 30 Min. vor Veranstaltungsbeginn, reservierte Tickets bitte spätestens 15 Min. vor Veranstaltungsbeginn abholen. Nur Barzahlung möglich.

RöstiBrücke 2023 is the second part of an annual series of trans-linguistic-regional music exchange in Switzerland. Initiated right after the pandemic, this dialogue in performance and sound arts builds bridges between venues and artists. Cave12 and the Walcheturm pioneered by taking part in 2022. For this 2023 edition, we managed to break through the Gotthard with Oggimusica and Foce in Lugano. We were also able to establish a trans-Jurassic connection with Centre Culturel ABC in La-Chaux-de-Fonds and Kaserne in Basel with Klappfon.

In these five venues of three linguistic regions, with about thirty artists from all over Switzerland, we organize a series of polymorphic performances that allow the possibility of experimenting with new sounds or with the space. As in a cabaret, the public attends a series of proposals, all very different, with sound poetry as the only common thread.

RöstiBrücke is an initiative by SZKMD production, with the support of Swiss Arts Council ProHelvetia, the Republic and Canton of Geneva and Migros-Kulturprozent.
